The Fridley Moore Lake Area Learning Center offers educational opportunities from credit recovery to a full academic path. Students choose our program to learn, grow in their skills and strengths and have fun while working hard and accomplishing their goals.
We offer many different scheduling options so our students have the freedom to set schedules according to their life situation. Students with jobs have the possibility to earn elective credit towards graduation.
Our Extended Day Program is available from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m., most Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on November 11, 2020 through May 27, 2021 for students who need credit recovery. This is an excellent option for those who are slightly behind in credits as they progress toward graduation.
Students will learn the responsibilities of freedom, and how their choices lead to outcomes. By learning from both mistakes and successes, students form a better understanding of how to manage their time, balance their energies, and enjoy a successful life to the fullest. Our students learn to live up to high expectations rather than conform to rules. The personal and intellectual freedom allows students to find new opportunities for growth through responsibility.
Freedom with Responsibility
Our students embody the meaning of this phrase throughout their experience with us. The choices available are exciting and liberating. A high school diploma is within your reach!